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Titus Announces 2nd Annual House App Challenge for Southern Nevada Students

February 2, 2015
Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District today announced the launch of the second annual House App Challenge for Southern Nevada students.

February 2, 2015

Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District today announced the launch of the second annual House App Challenge for Southern Nevada students. Hosted by the office of Congresswoman Titus, the competition is designed to encourage local middle school students to participate in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through the creation, development, and presentation of a software application on the platform of their choice. Students will have the opportunity to interact with local high tech professionals, showcase their technological talents, hone their creativity, and learn valuable skills for the future.

“In Congress, I have been a strong supporter of STEM education which broadens an individual’s horizons and opens the door to interesting, well-paid jobs that strengthen our country and our economy. Unfortunately, too few students are choosing to study science, technology, engineering, and math. The House App Challenge gives students in the First District an opportunity to explore their creativity and develop important STEM skills that they can use now, when they are in college, and in their future careers. This competition is also a chance to show students that STEM can be fun,” Congresswoman Titus said.
The winning team will enjoy a private meet-and-greet with a NASA astronaut and their school will hear a special STEM presentation by the NASA astronaut. Middle school students from Nevada’s First Congressional District can sign up at Registration is open from February 1st through April 15th. Additional information on 2015 rules and regulations are also available on the Congresswoman’s website.