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Op-Ed: Please join in effort to protect our piece of Grand Canyon ecosystem

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The graffiti, trash and bullet holes at Gold Butte have a way of spoiling a getaway to one of the most beautiful, serene spots in the Mojave Desert. Illegal cattle grazing there threatens native wildlife, including bighorn sheep, desert tortoises, coyotes, foxes and endangered birds and plants. While many visitors just come away disheartened, for Fawn Douglas, the tally of damage is a…

Lawmakers Press Obama on Marijuana Reform

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A bipartisan group of members of Congress is stepping up pressure on President Obama to take administrative action on marijuana policy reform before he leaves office early next year. “During the next few months you have a rare opportunity to move the country forward in a way that will save lives, reallocate precious federal resources, and create an atmosphere in which new jobs and…

Donald Trump is facing an onslaught of criticism from Nevada Democrats Over Comments About Housing Crisis

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Donald Trump is facing an onslaught of criticism from Nevada Democrats, particularly U.S. Rep. Dina Titus, over comments he made in 2007 about an anticipated downturn in the real estate market. Trump’s comments were made in March 2007 to The Globe and Mail. The Canadian publication quoted the billionaire businessman predicting “very minor” problems compared with the…

Officials see need to reduce national visa backlog for undocumented immigrant crime victims

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Congresswoman Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, and Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Executive Director Barbara Buckley called attention Friday to a national backlog of visas for undocumented immigrant victims of crime. Federal legislation passed in 2000 allows victims of certain crimes, including undocumented immigrants, to be eligible for visas. The law is intended to create more cooperation…

House Vote Brings Veterans a Big Step Closer to Medical Cannabis

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The U.S. House of Representatives approved a major breakthrough earlier today that could change the way doctors treat military veterans when it comes to medical cannabis. The House voted 233–189 in favor of approving the Veterans Equal Access Amendment, which would allow doctors in the Veterans Administration to recommend medical marijuana in states where it is legal. The amendment…

For military widows, the law protecting their benefits discourages finding love again

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After her husband was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan in 2012, Heather Gray never imagined that the biggest obstacle to falling in love again would be financial penalties from the government. But that extra level of stress and heartache are what faces the 37-year-old war widow as she looks at getting remarried this year. “I am a Christian, and I believe very strongly in…

Same-sex couples get veterans benefits, but not congressional recognition

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Same-sex couples are eligible to receive veterans benefits, but House Republicans still aren’t ready to fully acknowledge that. A House Veterans' Affairs Committee panel knocked down an attempt Wednesday to update language in Department of Veterans Affairs statutes to officially recognize married gay couples. The amendment, which would have been attached to legislation authorizing…