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Immigration Reform

Titus Discusses the Economic Benefits of Immigration Reform

| Posted in Floor Statements

July 18, 2013 Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District joined Congressman Cárdenas (CA-29) and House colleagues yesterday for a Special Order hour on the economic benefits of comprehensive immigration reform. Below are her remarks: “I thank the gentleman from California for yielding me time, and I also thank him for organizing this special order.  …

Titus Statement on Bipartisan Immigration Reform Proposal

| Posted in Floor Statements

April 17, 2013 Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District spoke on the floor of the House today addressing the Senate working group’s bipartisan proposal for comprehensive immigration reform. Titus also released the following statement on the new reform proposal: “The bill introduced by the bipartisan group of Senators is not perfect but it takes a significant…