Titus and Rape Center Kick Off Sexual Assault Awareness MonthKLAS News
Washington, DC,
April 2, 2013
By Natalie Cullen
April 2, 2013
Congresswoman Dina Titus and the Rape Crisis Center marked the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month with a special ceremony at the Congresswoman's offices Tuesday. April 2, 2013 Congresswoman Dina Titus and the Rape Crisis Center marked the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month with a special ceremony at the Congresswoman's offices Tuesday. Titus presented the center with a copy of her testimony from the floor of Congress on the re-authorization of the Violence Against Woman Act. "In my speech, I included a reference to the Rape Crisis Center and the good work that they do and how we needed to pass that law in order to give them services and funding to help to do their job," Rep. Dina Titus, D-NV. The center is launching a campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month focusing child sexual abuse prevention.