SUN: UNLV gets grant to study high-speed rail issuesSUN: UNLV gets grant to study high-speed rail issues
Washington, DC,
February 9, 2017
The U.S. Department of Transportation has selected UNLV to participate in a research consortium to examine the effective design, construction and maintenance of high-speed rail projects. The DOT will initially fund the consortium, which also includes the University of Delaware and Virginia Tech, with a $1.4 million grant. Under the University Transportation Center program, UNLV will study issues including the construction of bridges near areas of seismic activity, track alignment and rail foundations. “Our nation’s deteriorating rail infrastructure is threatening our economy, security and safety,” said U.S. Rep. Dina Titus, who represents Nevada’s 1st Congressional District. “This consortium will reverse course by helping advance the development of high-speed rail projects that meet the demands of the 21st century.” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada called the project “a huge win for UNLV, Nevada and the future of transportation in our country.” “UNLV’s transportation center will be a focal point of research, education and technology, and it will be critical in advancing high-speed rail and ensuring America has a modern, effective transportation system,” Reid said. This will be Nevada’s second University Transportation Center. A similar center was established at UNR in 2013. |