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Floor Statements

Titus Remarks on the GI Bill STEM Extension Act

Legislation to help veterans pursue higher education, succeed in STEM careers

July 14, 2015

Today Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District spoke on the House Floor urging her colleagues to support H.R. 748, the GI Bill STEM Extension Act, which gives students utilizing GI Bill benefits more flexibility to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering, math and health fields.  Below are her remarks: 

“Now, we all agree that we should provide veterans the tools they need to successfully transition from active duty to civilian life.

“Yet far too many servicemen and women are struggling to provide for themselves and their families once they return home. 

“We can and we must do better. 

“That’s why I’m proud to partner with my Republican colleague, David McKinley, in sponsoring legislation to provide resources to help our veterans pursue higher education and gain the skills and training they need to succeed in STEM careers.

“The ability to analyze, communicate, and motivate, honed while in the military, makes veterans ideal candidates for the STEM fields.

“And with growth and demand for STEM experts expected to outpace other professions in the next two decades, this legislation will help meet the need for a highly skilled workforce, enabling us to better compete in the global economy while also creating new employment opportunities for our nation’s heroes. 

“I urge my colleagues to join Mr. McKinley and me in supporting the GI Bill STEM Extension Act.”