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Floor Statements

Titus: GOP Plan to Gut EPA Funding Threatens Local, National Security

June 25, 2015

Today Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s First District took to the House Floor to call on Congress to oppose the budget cuts forcing the removal of the EPA mobile field lab from Las Vegas. Below are her remarks: 

“Thank you and I thank the Ranking Member for yielding me the time.

“My Republicans colleagues have made no secret about the fact that they want to strangle the EPA and undermine its vital environmental work, but they make little mention of how this bill also threatens our national security.

“I represent Las Vegas, which is home to a number of critical radiation response programs; including one of only two EPA mobile field labs that can quickly be deployed should a radiological incident occur anywhere in the West to process air, soil, and water samples.

“But because of ongoing budget cuts led by the Republicans, EPA will soon be moving this unit to Montgomery, Alabama, and decommissioning its other mobile lab. 

“That will leave the whole country with only one EPA radiation response lab which will be located over 2,000 miles from Los Angeles, 2,600 miles from Seattle, and 1,800 miles from Las Vegas and the Nevada Test Site. 

“Now Republicans may be willing to gamble our health and safety to satisfy their corporate friends, but I’m not.

“And that’s why I’m asking my colleagues to vote against this legislation and fund our agencies at levels necessary to protect our national security.”