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Rep. Titus Statement on Efforts to Enact Build Back Better Agenda

Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada’s First Congressional District, a senior member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, released the following statement today on efforts to enact the Build Back Better agenda.

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada’s First Congressional District, a senior member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, released the following statement today on efforts to enact the Build Back Better agenda.

“I’m supportive of the physical infrastructure piece; we’ve needed that funding for decades. For Nevada, that means at least $4 billion dollars of investment in our highways, transit systems, airports, water and wastewater, and high speed internet. But as I’ve said all along, we also need the human infrastructure piece which is the heart of President Biden’s agenda,” said Congresswoman Titus

“This debate has swirled around dollar numbers, something no one argued over when Republicans handed $2 trillion dollars in unpaid for tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and corporations. This conversation should be focused on addressing climate change, a pathway to citizenship, and investments in working families like child care, Medicare expansion, universal pre-k and affordable housing. And if anyone wants to make cuts to the proposal, they should explain which programs they are suggesting be cut.

“We must invest in both physical infrastructure and human infrastructure to truly meet the challenges facing Southern Nevadans and the nation.”