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Rep. Dina Titus Statement on NFL Betting Policy Changes

Washington, DC – Today Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV), who wrote a letter to the major sports leagues in June of this year calling for transparency on sports betting policy, issued the following statement after the NFL announced increased penalties for players betting on games:

“Today the NFL and its Players Association took a step in the right direction toward transparency on sports betting. Clear, consistent, and appropriate penalties assure fans that the games they choose to bet on are fair. That's why I called the NFL out for a lack of clarity in their policies earlier this year, as players did not understand what conduct was permissible under league rules.

“I'm glad that the NFL created a distinction between behavior that threatens the integrity of the game and legal wagering on other sports. Penalties for game fixing and betting on one’s own league should be more serious than betting on other sports. Every sports league should remain focused on protecting the product on the field. Leagues should periodically review their policies, in consultation with players, to ensure that rules are understood and updated when necessary.”