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Rep. Titus Announces HFAC Passage of Her Bill to Protect Afghan Allies

Washington, D.C. – Today Congresswoman Dina Titus (NV-01) announced the passage of her bill out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to protect our Afghan allies. The Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts (CARE) Authorization Act of 2024 ensures that our country continues to keep its promise to safely evacuate Afghans who bravely and dutifully served alongside U.S. servicemembers, diplomats, and aid workers, as they face continued threats from the Taliban. This bipartisan bill is co-led by Congressman James Baird (R-IN).

“The passage of the CARE Authorization Act of 2024 further underscores the commitment made by the U.S. government to safeguard those who served shoulder-to-shoulder with our personnel during the twenty-year mission in Afghanistan,” said Rep. Titus. “The State Department has made it clear: There is no deadline for the crucial job of protecting Afghan allies. By authorizing the Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts at the State Department, we can more effectively relocate and resettle those who have qualified to immigrate to the U.S. as a result of their service to this country.”

“Many American soldiers will tell you they owe being able to come home to their loved ones because of their sacrifices,” said Rep. Baird. “That’s why I support the CARE Act, which will help bring pre-vetted, eligible Afghans, who helped the U.S. during the war, to safety. I’d also like to thank Rep. Titus for her help on this important piece of legislation.”

“We must fulfill our obligation to our Afghan allies, who supported the United States mission over our nearly 20-year presence in Afghanistan – that goal unites us all,” said Rep. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “The CARE Authorization Act is critical to these efforts, ensuring the organization that has been used by the State Department to make significant progress in resettling eligible Afghan allies has the mandate and authorities to support their orderly relocation. This bipartisan legislation will allow us to make good on our commitments to our Afghan allies.”

“I served in Afghanistan and may not be here today without the bravery of Afghan partners. The safety of those who aided the US mission is a matter of national security,” said Rep. Crow, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability. “I was proud to originally cosponsor measures improving Afghan resettlement and relocation, and strongly support Representatives Titus and Baird’s renewed bipartisan effort to codify the Afghan relocation coordinator position in the State Department. I urge my colleagues to honor the promises made.”


In 2022 the State Department established a specialized office called the Coordinator for Afghan Relocation Efforts (CARE) to streamline and coordinate the ongoing relocation and resettlement process for eligible Afghans from Afghanistan and Pakistan to the United States. CARE serves as the hub of this whole-of-government priority, working closely with various federal departments and agencies, international partners, and NGOs to ensure the safe and efficient relocation of individuals who have earned the right to immigrate to the U.S. as either SIVs or refugees during the twenty-year U.S. mission in Afghanistan.

CARE's mission is vital to keeping our promise to our Afghan allies and protecting them the way they protected U.S. servicemembers. This work, however, is not codified in statute and has a limited scope of authorities. The CARE Authorization Act of 2024 will formally authorize the CARE office at the State Department for three years and grant important authorities to advance its mission. These include an extension of authorities to enter into personal services contracts—an identified legislative priority for the State Department—as well as measures to streamline the transfer of funds to and from other agencies involved in the Afghan relocation mission. These provisions build on the recent creation of the Enduring Welcome program account in the FY24 omnibus.
