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Trump Budget Cuts Homeland Security Funding

May 23, 2017
The Trump Budget cuts vital homeland security dollars for Southern Nevada.

May 23, 2017

Today Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada’s First Congressional District released the following statement on the Trump Administration’s FY18 Budget Request to cut Urban Area Security Initiative funding, a vital Department of Homeland Security program that provides resources to Las Vegas and other high-population communities based on security risk.  

“Las Vegas has the best private security providers in the world who work closely with law enforcement and first responders. But it is unimaginable that the administration believes Southern Nevada’s security will be improved by cutting vital programs that protect residents and travelers in our community. The budget proposal includes a pay-to-play scheme for Homeland Security dollars that requires states and local governments to provide a 25 percent match for UASI grants. This budget is a slap in the face that will increase the burden on local law enforcement and taxpayers without making us any safer.”


In the last two years, the Department of Homeland Security awarded Las Vegas $3 million in UASI grants after Rep. Titus worked with federal officials to increase the funding from $1 million in 2014.  

Learn more about UASI here.