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Titus bill would repeal handle tax

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August 24, 2014
CG Technology CEO Lee Amaitis wanted to know the whereabouts of about $9 million that Nevada sports book operators paid to the federal government last year through a tax on all sports wagers. It seemed like a simple question. Amaitis asked Rep Dina Titus, D-Nev., if she could find out.

Titus touts local access to transportation funding

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July 7, 2014
A portion of federal transportation funding would be detoured to a grant program administered by representatives of local community organizations under legislation introduced by Rep. Dina Titus.

Dina Titus discusses funding bill at RTC headquarters

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July 7, 2014 Las Vegas, NV (KTNV) -- Congresswoman Dina Titus is pushing a new plan to get more input on how to spend transportation funds. Titus spoke at the Regional Transportation Commission on Monday. She said her bill will give those who are invested more say in how federal money is spent by the state. Titus said that will ensure the best projects get funded to meet the needs of…

Exhorta Dina Titus a los estudiantes a tomar ventaja de DACA

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June 27, 2014
La Acción Diferida para los que llegaron en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha servido para que se reduzca el número de estudiantes que abandonan la preparatoria y les da una nueva oportunidad de continuar con sus sueños de ir a la universidad o al colegio; exhorto a los jóvenes a que aprovechen este programa, dijo en entrevista concedida a El Mundo Dina Titus, congresista demócrata por el distrito 1 de Nevada, donde anunció un evento que llevará a cabo este lunes 30.

Disabled vet illustrates need for home tax credit

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June 23, 2014
The frustration felt by Louise and Laurence Gaskins and many other families of disabled veterans is a driving force behind the Veterans Homebuyer Accessibility Act of 2013. Introduced by Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., it is co-sponsored by Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev.

Women's Economic Forum

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June 20, 2014
When Women Succeed, America Succeeds was the motto of the economic forum held recently where Congresswoman Dina Titus and Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader of the House of Representatives.

Unemployment Insurance Gets a Soap Box Hearing

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June 19, 2014
It is the unemployment version of the national debt clock. On this “Witness Wednesday,” the number ticked up to 3,095,002 long-term unemployed Americans during an event Republicans consider a publicity stunt but Democrats see as central to their midterm message.